"Just the Facts, M'am"
I never know what to say about myself. Should I tell you my favorite color (pink) or my favorite food (chicken a'la king in a can) or should I tell you what made me start this blog (curiousity, the desire to express myself with words, because everyone else was doing it)? I guess I should start the basics.
I live in a smallish apartment in Ohio with my boyfriend, A*. A* and I have been together for three years. Actually, we have lived together for three years, too. We started out pretty fast. We met in May and were living together by the end of July on the same year. Anyways, he is a wonderful, caring and loving man whom I hope to spend the rest of my life with. We are also those kind of dorks who have pets and treat them as children. We have two kids~ I mean, cats. One is a black and white male who is very much in charge and lets you know by biting you every chance he gets. But he can also be very loving and he really does have a cute personality. His name is Buster. His sister, Belle, is a petite little princess. She steps lightly and grooms herself to perfection. They get along very well together and we spoil them rotten.
I am also very close with my unnaturally close family. We all live within twenty minutes of each other, and if you don't talk to them at least every other couple of days the phone tree will go into effect and they will track you down. I never thought this was odd until I met A*, and he told me how weird it was. Now I guess I can see it, but I still secretly love this closeness. It makes me feel like I belong somewhere.
I suffer from two things that affect my life almost every day: endometriosis and depression. The endometriosis is a medical condition that causes legions to grow outside of the uterus that are extremely painful and can cause painful cramps, mood swings, fatigue, etc. The most informative website I have found about it is www.endofacts.com if you want to learn more about it. Currently I am on a new form of birth control and am waiting to see if it works. If it doesn't, my next options are either to have surgery to try and laser some of the legions off, or to try hormone replacement shots. I'm hoping that things will get better with it, though. I have already had one surgery when I was about sixteen, and the symptoms came back, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
The depression I try to handle by taking Zoloft daily and sometimes by crying unreasonably. I have suffered from this disease since I was about fifteen. After being in an abusive relationship, my parents sent me to a psychiatrist. Eventually, I went down a very dark tunnel and ended up in a mental hospital. It was there that I discovered the miracle called Zoloft. I have been on a (somewhat) even keel since. I have learned to live with the fact that I have a disease, just like someone that has asthma may have to take an inhaler everyday. Sometimes, though, I still have my bad days. Luckily A* is very understanding, and can usually manage to pull me out from under my dark cloud.
I'm sure that there is more that I am missing, but it's kind of hard to tell twenty-five years in a couple of paragraphs. This is just a brief run through of the stuff I think I may cover a lot. I just want this blog to be a place where I can come and share my feelings, and maybe a couple other people could share theirs with me.
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on starting a blog! I'm sure you'll enjoy having a place to organize your thoughts.
Kitty (a.k.a. Average Jane)
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