Torturing my Son
The other day I was playing with the Peanut on the floor and we were listening to some music, as we are known to do. (We really kick it here, we really do.) I always sing along and he never objected before. Well, a song came on that has a great crescendo in the middle and I got all geared up and belted out the lyrics at the top of my lungs... and the Peanut started screaming like I had jabbed him with a red hot poker. He was totally terrified of my singing voice.
I guess all of my American Idol dreams are now slowly going down the toilet. And I was ready to be all famous and runner up and then go on Celebrity Rehab, just like that chick that's on there right now. But if my own son can't stand the sound, how can I expect the rest of America to torture themselves?
He's getting a lullaby before he goes to bed, damn it, and I don't care who calls CSB on me.
At 4:38 PM,
BabyonBored said…
Thanks for the kind words! It does help to have people out there that "get it." When you have twins you'll be screwed. You are going to try and have twins right? Right??? Come on! Misery loves company.
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