Randomly Random
Secondly, A* and I are still looking for an apartment. This weekend we have to go and look at more places, because we decided to lower our expectations a little and came down in our price, so now we have a whole new rash of places. I just want to be done, moved and in a new apartment, preferably one that has the heat paid.
Third, we gave Belle a flea bath last night. She was not very happy about this. In fact, she flattened her ears down, widened her eyes, and began hissing and yowling in a very Pet Cemetary-like way. She bit A* in the hand and scratched him, then with a mighty cry she lurched towards me and swiped a couple places on my hand. I tried to keep her in tub, seeing as she was still covered in flea shampoo, but she flung out her deadly paw and put a puncture wound into my finger. We let her out of the tub and rubbed her vigourously with a towel, trying to get all the soap off of her. It was a traumatic experience for all involved.
Fourth, I am going out for a Girl's Night with my friend tonight, and the only thing that could make it better would be if I was allowed to go to the restaraunt in my pajamas. As it is, we will order a lot of food and make giant pigs out of ourselves, and gossip about anyone that has ever crossed our path. Fun and laughter will be had.
But first, I have to go home and change out of this god-awful shirt. What was I thinking??
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